Domb on Real Estate

Monday, November 12, 2007

Join me

Another thought crossed my mind as I work to get my blog off the ground.

I'm committed to posting frequently and providing timely reaction to industry news. But I'm just one guy, and I can't be everywhere at once.

On that note, I invite all real estate industry members and journalists to join me in my effort to develop Philly's number one real estate blog -- one that's honest, straightforward, and valuable to readers.

Maybe you find something I miss. Maybe you see a different angle to a story.

Whatever it is, feel free to share it. Comments, of course, are always welcome. But if you have something else to say that you think warrants a post, just let me know!

You can send your analysis, advice, insight, photos, audio clips -- whatever you think the Philadelphia real estate market would find interesting -- to Arielle Gottlieb at

After reviewing it, I'll do my best to publish it in a timely fashion.

Thanks for your support -- I look forward to your feedback!


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