Domb on Real Estate

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Philadelphia: Acre of Diamonds

I'm Allan Domb and this is my blog.

I'm starting it because condo living and development in Philadelphia are my passions. And I want to share with the city, country, and industry my experiences, insights, and musings on life in Philadelphia, the Center City condo market, and what it all means for the city and its people.

Expect new ideas. Unique insight. Uncommon commentary. Everyone's invited to join the conversation -- including my competitors!

But first, a little background on why I specialize in condos in Philadelphia. I view it as Russell Conwell's Acre of Diamonds theory. It states people search the world over for fortune, when in reality, it's right in their backyard.

I came to Philadelphia in 1977. I worked as a salesperson for Phelps Time Lock Company, making $15,000 a year. To supplement my income, I became a realtor three years later, specializing in luxury Center City condos. And in 1999, I began specializing in luxury high-rise condo development.

I didn't research other markets beforehand. I just lived here, worked here, and had 19 years of successful experience selling and renting local real estate, and helping other regional developers market their projects.

My goal: Achieve homes for people in Philadelphia. Over the past eight years, I've developed The Barclay, 220 West Washington Square, The Lanesborough, The Bank Building Residences, 22 Front, The Warwick Condominium, and my latest accomplishment, Parc Rittenhouse, into luxury Center City condos.

Now I'm blogging about it.

But beyond the Acres of Diamonds theory, I invest so much time, money, and energy into Philadelphia for another reason, more meaningful than digging in your backyard. Check back soon to find out!

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  • Congratulations on starting a blog about Philly Real Estate, Allan. Philadelphia has character, personality and charm that puts it among the elite American big cities. But compared to the others (NY, Chicago, SF, Miami), relatively few people are aware of what we have here. Some day, perhaps when we have a championship sports team (let's hope it happens in our lifetime), the world will once again get hip to what a great town this is. For now we're just a well kept secret for locals -- and anyone who reads this blog. Acres of Diamonds indeed.

    By Blogger Unknown, At November 16, 2007 at 12:15 AM  

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